Monday, May 12, 2008

Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Sorry about the lack of updates since last week but, My uncle died last week and in some way's I wasn't up to it and had running around to do . I'm with you today and this writing is going to be more personal than musical It's aqbout losing loved one's and important people in your life . As some of you may know I never really had my father in my life when I was young but, in a way it helped shape me to be a better person in the long run . You see I had six great uncles and one great step dad so I had seven father's all with different experiences, thought's and view's to learn from . I'm not saying I understood it all in the beginning but, in the long run I took a little from each of them . The mistake's they made and the thing's that they did right . Uncle Jim taught me about music and comic's and art . Uncle Ron took me to see wrestling and made sure my mom and Aunt Deb did not dress me like a girl ( He also took care of me alot later when I got in alot of trouble) . Uncle Mike taught me how to play sports shoot a jumper, throw a baseball and picked on me alot . Uncle Tom and Uncle Jack showed me what it was like to be tough but still have a good heart . Uncle Mickey took me fishing and watched me alot and treated me like a third son . Than my step dad who took alot of crap from me as a kid and he made it through alright and I like to think I did to . My step dad also taught me how to be a good guy and take care of your family no matter what . Alot of people will use not having a father as a crutch as to why life sucks or poor me I don't have a dad and I have before too but, you keep doing that you may miss all the gift's you did get in life . My Uncle Jack was buried at sea as a navy veteran . He was sixty five years old . It has been a few years since I saw him but, I will alway's remember him and my other dad's for what they taught me . Rest In Peace Uncle Jack you will be missed .