Wow can you believe it ? I mean celebrity sex tapes get released often in the past few years alone we have seen Paris, Britney, Colin Farrell and countless other's but, allegedly there is a tape starring the greatest guitar player of all time Jimi Hendrix in all his glory . Check out the article from CNN .
LOS ANGELES, California (AP) -- Vivid Entertainment is releasing a sex tape allegedly starring Jimi Hendrix.
A biographer of Jimi Hendrix says he's seen the film and doubts the man in it is the late guitarist.
The Los Angeles-based adult entertainment company said they obtained the sex tape from a memorabilia collector.
The 11 minutes of footage, reportedly shot in a hotel room about 40 years ago, features Hendrix -- or someone who looks like him -- engaged in various sexual acts with two women. (READ MORE)
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008
What does Jason Lee have to do with Orbit Rock you ask ? Well nothing really but, it is my blog and I'll write about what I want to . If you take a step back (go ahead) Jason's hit comedy " My Name Is Earl" on NBC has everything to do with classic rock music though . Jason's character Earl would be right at home drinking a Budweiser listening to "Slow Ride" in the trailer park . As a matter of fact alot of the music featured on "Earl " is of the classic rock variety so check out a full list of songs by clicking (HERE) . The show not only feature's great music while being hilarious in Earl's ongoing quest to appease karma by crossing off wrong doing's on his list (Earl's List) it also has a message which is simple enough "Do good thing's and good thing's will happen to you " I like to think that is true to so kudos to this surprisingly hit comedy from Jason Lee and NBC for putting something on the television like this because it is risky . Imagine ten years ago when Friend's and Seinfeld ruled the your "Must See TV" . Never in a million year's would we imagine a show cast with a trailer trash hero, a dumb brother (Ethan Suplee) , the red necks ex wife (played perfectly by Jaime Pressley), The hottest cleaning lady on TV, Catalina (Nadine Velazquez) just in case you don't believe me here she is . See I told you . That comes to my original reason for writing this blog , I was going to start featuring women that I thought were ridiculously good looking once in awhile and I started thinking about two Nadine being one of them and my all time favorite woman Alyssa Milano . Which brings me to the fact that both of them are on "My
Name is Earl" which is not to say there are not other women my god Jaime Pressley herself deserves a week on Rich's list. I am including picture's of all three of them just because I love all of you . All in all this is great show and should be put on all of your list's to watch from here on out . And when you get the chance check out the official site and find out why the crab man is my favorite character. The site is here (My Name Is Earl) Oh and before I forget remember you guy's owe me, three for the price of one this week here is Jaime Pressley .
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Velvet Revolver is looking for a new singer since Scott Weiland up and left his boy's holding the proverbial mic in theirs hand's without a front man . We all have suggestions mine is this guy pictured to the right . He was pretty good the last time those guy's played together. OK, OK I'll stop turning this into a Gun's blog only . I seem to be able to interject them into almost all blogs . So if no the aforementioned guy to the right, than who ? Well in all honesty maybe you . Yes The have advertised online for a singer if you have the chops and are insane as it seems to be a prerequisite to work with these guy's check it out this article on . So you ask don't they have show's left to fill ? Yes and here is a quote from Slash ,"I'm not gonna name any names, but a bunch of well-known people will get up and sing some songs, and then also bring up a couple people that we think are pretty good and might sing a couple songs," Slash said. "So it'd just be for fun." That sound's cool who could it be if not Axl (let me wipe my eye a bit ) I have a few suggestions
1. Ronnie James Dio - just because that would be the best to see the ride the tiger .
2. Lemmy - Lemmy is god and don't you forget it !
3. Don Henly - hahaha I just wanted to type that sorry
4. Chris Cornell - His super group just split up did they not ?
OK well we all know that that list is ridiculous with the exception of Cornell none of that is working . You know what though there is only on possible solution and we all know who it is . Sadly though ego's will never allow that to happen although we know that in the grand scheme of thing's the money they would make might be able to make it happen . Please for the 16 year old boy in me just do it .
Sunday, April 20, 2008

Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Call me skeptical but, Stone Temple Pilot's have announced 65 dates in the US during 2008 as a reunion tour. I have seen this band live and they put on a great show and Scott when sober is one of the most charismatic frontmen going . I just have my doubt's as to whether he can pull it off without relapsing . Here is hoping they do do and you all get to see what a good live band they are . I myself have my finger's crossed that they make it to my area with Scott in one piece . DJ RICH (READ MORE)